Friday, February 20, 2009

Ready, FIGHT!

I am absolutely ecstatic for this game. Yes, the picture you see is an IN-GAME shot. Not a cartoon. Like any other male that's been born in the 80's (and beyond) I've been fighting the good fight against Bison since Street Fighter II's inception in 1991. Ever since then there's been a shit ton of variations of the game and even a Street Fighter III that came out. That one was alright. The art direction was pretty standard although the animation was very smooth and I'm sure the fighting controls had changed slightly (but I'm not that big of a nerd yet to notice those minor/major differences). BUT NOW! But now, Street Fighter IV is out and it looks abs-freakin-lutely boneriffic! I mean, it looks like you're playing a cartoon. It uses 3D rendering in a 2D world. I guess you'd have to play it to understand. Me and my brother were at Comicon in San Diego last year and they had Street Fighter IV arcade games that you can test out but, alas, we never made it to the front of the line (and some Guile impersonator stole the last Ryu headband they were giving out). Anyways...I just thought I'd step away from all the other nonsense and become a child again by expressing my love for this game (which I haven't played yet). Enjoy your Friday (to the 1 or 2 people that follow this blog.)


Anonymous said...

Excited for the movie? I am. I was never a SF guy, Mortal Kombat consumed my after school cravings for blood. haha.

Big McLargehuge said...

Nah, the movie's gonna blow. It's really hard to incorporate a game like that into a legitimate movie that would make people care. Someone like Bryan Singer who did X-Men would have to attempt to take a stab at it in order for people to take it seriously. It's just so campy when you introduce a character with an awkward name like Ryu in live action movie. Kinda like "Hey guys, I'm John Ryu" or "Morning, I'm Ace Guile" or "Hello, Steven Dhalsim here". It's just retarded y'know? And Mortal Kombat the game was fun (at least the first two) and then it just started sucking the fun out of it by adding in a bunch of crappy storylines and characters. But back to the point, SF4 should be amazing and if it isn't, at least it looks cool. Haha

TOPolk said...

Believe me my good man, Street Fighter III was more than alright. The difficulty curve was steep as hell, but it was definitely worth figuring out.

As far as SFIV, I'm stoked about it as well. Soon as I get some extra cash that baby (as well as a 360 to play it on) is mine.

Big McLargehuge said...

I played it. It's great. The art direction is amazing. The cut scenes and all that are a bit cheesy, but nothing you wouldn't expect from Capcom and Japanese pop culture. More or less, your eyes are constantly just orgasming over the graphics. Gameplay still seems to be the same (you can definitely utilize the counterattacks and absorb attacks if you time it right). All in all, great fighting game. Nothing too complicated, nothing too simple.